At White Shell we want to make sure our services and company do as much as we can for the community in which we serve. Twice a year the Neonate team at Heartlands Hospital have a raffle raising money for the charity, 'Newborns in Need'. A free photoshoot with White Shell is the top prize. We're always open to helping out great causes where we can so if you believe we can help your cause, please get in touch.
We believe everybody has a role to play in preserving the planet we call home, no matter how large or small. Our pledge is to use only 100% recyclable packaging when sending physical prints to customers. Where possible, we will also cut out the need for a third party courier service by hand delivering prints. We've teamed up with Patch the World who we often meet with to discuss how we can become more sustainable and ethical in our consumption.
We also practice an ethical marketing approach that includes no hidden costs and no hard/pressured sales tactics.

Company values
People are being hoodwinked every day by hidden costs and clever marketing terminology. At White Shell we strive for complete transparency, anything you want to know about your experience with us can be found on the website or by asking one of our helpful members of staff.
“The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing” –Albert Einstein. The planet has reached a crucial time in her existence and it’s imperative we all do everything we can to help. We vow to use no single use plastics, always use biodegradable alternatives, and keep our paper consumption as low as possible.
We take it upon ourselves to break down barriers and find new ways of creating great photography and giving the perfect customer experience.
We care about people; our staff, our clients, our neighbours. We take it upon ourselves to always be mindful of people’s situations and always be generous in what we can give back to the community.
What good is capturing the perfect moment, if it’s out of focus or printed on the wrong paper? The finer details that all add up to create the perfect customer experience are never overlooked. We strive for the highest quality possible.